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After the easter break, we are coming back to our ‘BEHIND THE SCENES’ SERIES. WE’RE SPEAKING WITH tim tobiasch, doctoral researcher/Phd candidate FROM OUR PROJECT PARTNER, THE Technische universitat darmstadt (TUDA). HE’LL BE talking about his ROLE AND THE ROLE OF TUDA WITHIN THE TANGO PROJECT.

Thanks for speaking to us today. Could you start by introducing yourself and telling us where you are based?

My name is Tim Tobiasch and I studied mathematics and philosophy. I am currently a PhD student in Computer Science at the Technische Universität Darmstadt in Germany, and my research interests are Explainable Artificial Intelligence, Interactive Learning, and Modelling Causality. I’m interested in developing methods that allow machine learning models to interact with human knowledge and explanations.

 How would you describe TANGO with three words only?

Innovative human-machine synergies

 What is your main task in the TANGO project?

In the TANGO project, my primary task is to develop theories and algorithms that facilitate the seamless integration of human insight with machine intelligence. This entails enhancing state-of-the-art machine learning approaches to enhance their reliability in handling continuously changing environments and their capability to generate explanations of a model’s internal reasoning.

 What do you like most about your role?

What excites me most about my role is the opportunity to explore the synergies between human intuition and machine intelligence. It’s incredibly rewarding to work on cutting-edge technological foundations that impact society and have the potential to improve lives and decision-making in high-stakes areas such as healthcare and public policy.

How do your professional interests match the objectives of TANGO?

My professional interests closely align with the objectives of TANGO, particularly in the areas of Explainable AI and Interactive Learning. TANGO aims to develop synergistic human-machine decision-making systems, which perfectly complements my focus on creating machine learning models that are not only efficient and accurate but also transparent and understandable to humans. By working on methods that facilitate the integration of human explanations and knowledge into machine learning models, I aim to contribute to TANGO’s vision of creating AI systems that can be trusted and effectively utilized by humans in critical decision-making processes. This integration is crucial for advancing AI towards more human-centric applications, ensuring that the technology we develop genuinely supports and enhances human decision-making rather than replacing it.

Could you describe the overall expected impact of the TANGO project in three words?

Innovation, Transformation, Empowerment

Many thanks for taking the time to speak to us, Tim! We look forward to more updates from the team at TUDA. 

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